Why Let'sTalkSign?

According to WHO, as of Mar’19, around 466 million of the world's population have disabling hearing loss (~432 million adults and ~34 million children). It is estimated that by 2050 over 900 million people will have disabling hearing loss i.e. one in every ten people. Similarly as of 2018, roughly 100 million of the Indian population have some level of functional hearing loss.
Apart from those with hearing loss, people with speech loss or impairment also use sign language to communicate.


There are numerous challenges faced by deaf/hard of hearing people, like:

  • denial of their ‘right to education’ – in India education system is non-inclusive, neglecting people with hearing & visual disabilities
  • lack of schools for teaching sign languages
  • lack of job opportunities
  • social and workplace isolation – public & private offices, public places like hospitals, railways station, police station, etc. do not have mechanisms to communicate with hearing and speech impaired people
  • discrimination at workplace and public places
  • issues arising from lack of awareness by public about challenges of people with hearing and speech impairment

Indian Sign Language

To top all these challenges, in India while there are 20+ major languages, there is no officially recognized sign language system yet. Though Indian Sign Language (ISL) is considered as standard, there are a variety of sign languages used across the country with significant variations. As a result, 99% of deaf / hard of hearing people are either uneducated or drop out after Class VI or VII, because they are not able to cope. With no proper education, there is not much job opportunities for deaf/hard of hearing & speech impaired people.

Voice loss

Apart from people who are born with voice / speech disability, there are people who have lost their voice due some accident or disease like acute laryngitis, etc. and struggle to learn sign language and cope with demanding life.

5% of World's population having disabling hearing loss - WHO

10% of India's population have some level of functional hearing loss

Primary Functionalities

Tap for details
Interpret sign language gestures in Video file to text & speech, on Cloud Interpret sign language gestures in realtime to text & speech
Convert audio in Video file to sign language gestures LetsTalkSign.org - Sign Language Interpreter anytime, anywhere Convert text or speech to sign language gestures
Convert audio in file to sign language gestures Create synthetic voice of a person In-person & online conference using sign language and / or text / speech
Interpret sign language gestures in realtime to text & speech
Convert text or speech to sign language gestures
In-person & online conference using sign language and / or text / speech
Create synthetic voice of a person
Convert audio in file to sign language gestures
Convert audio in Video file to sign language gestures
Interpret sign language gestures in Video file to text & speech, on Cloud

Let'sTalkSign - Interpreter Anytime, Anywhere.

Device-agnostic platform that breaks communication barrier between people with hearing / speech loss or impairment and normal people.

How to use?

  • On Mobile devices

    1. as separate app on app stores for the public to utilize real-time, day-to-day communication between people with hearing / speech impairment and other people
    2. as built-in app on mobile phones under Accessibility set of apps, to help two-way communications
    3. can be used to control home environment by connecting mobile to smart home devices like smart speakers, lights, thermostat, etc.
  • On kiosk devices

    1. in Schools to teach different sign languages
    2. in public offices like Railways Stations, Bus Stations, Banks, etc. to help people with hearing / speech loss to self-transact & to communicate with officials
    3. in Malls or commercial establishments to help customers with hearing / speech impairment to self-help and to interact with sales team
  • On Telecom devices (Video conf. phones, etc.)

    1. in workplaces to help businesses implement inclusivity and tap talents of team members with hearing / speech loss

  • Platform on Cloud

    1. to upload sign language videos and receive interpreted contents
    2. to upload audio files and receive videos with correspnding sign language gestures
    3. to upload normal videos and receive corresponding sign language gestures embedded in them
    4. for real-time communication between multiple people by using LetsTalkSign mobile app’s conferencing feature

What's special?

  • Easy to use

    Easy to use

    Users of any age group can use - children, schools & college students, adults and elderly.
  • Device-agnostic


    Works on virtually any device with browser, camera and basic processing power - smartphones, tablets, PCs, kiosks, etc.
  • Affordable


    Does not require any additional hardware like gloves or equipment, etc. and app has free common vocabulary (limited) for casual use.
  • Supports various dialects of sign language

    Supports dialects

    Can understand various dialects of sign language used and also easily extendable to other sign languages.
  • Customizable & Scalable vocabulary

    Customizable & Scalabe vocabulary

    Users can choose the vocabulary they want to suit their usage. For example, user can add 'banking' vocabulary to use the app in Banks.
  • Internet connection not required

    Internet not required

    App is packed with all necessary services and can work anywhere without needing internet.
  • Supports vernacular languages

    Supports vernacular languages

    Language of text & speech, interpreted from sign language can be changed to suit the user needs.
  • Real-time and blazing fast

    Real-time and blazing fast

    Each sign language gesture interpretation takes less than 50 milli seconds (0.05 second) on a basic smartphone with minimal processing power.

About us

DeepVisionTech Pvt. Ltd. is a Social Startup with vision to Empower People with Disabilities by building AI based innovative solutions. We specialize in Deep Learning & Machine Learning with expertise in Computer Vision, Natural Language Understanding and Generative Adversarial Networks techniques. We help enterprises build smart & intelligent solutions. Our company was established in late 2019 with a handful of AI based solutions.
Our solutions vary in nature and serve across a variety of verticals like Disability (Deaf, Speech & Hearing Imparied); Agriculture (Crop Health Monitoring using Remote Sensing); Gaming (Gestures & Signs based User Interface for apps); Healthcare (analyzing OCT scans for Diabetic Retinopathy).
Our Patented AI based Solutions & Techniques will give Enterprise solutions competitive advantage and improve outcome.

Visit us at DeepVisionTech.AI

Request demo for LetsTalkSign and GesturizeMe

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Our Associations

  • Noida Deaf Society, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
    Noida Deaf Society, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Enable India, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
    Enable India, Bangalore, Karnataka, India
  • All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore, Karnataka, India
    All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Mysore, Karnataka, India